administration timeline 
The following is a timeline of announcements made by the Ansett Administrators from the time of Ansett's resolve into Voluntary Administration.

For a detailed chronology of Ansett's corporate history from the Parliament of Australia library ( click here .

September 2008
  09 Sep Aircraft - settlement of the balance of the leases with European Skybus for two BAe146 aircraft.

August 2008
  31 Aug Ansett city office is closed and remaining staff relocated to Supply Centre at Tullamarine.

July 2008
  31 Jul Final BAe146 is parted by JHAS on behalf of Ansett

June 2008
  30 Jun Ansett legacy IT systems are replaced by new systems

April 2008
  15 Apr Distribution of tenth dividend to former employees of AUD$15.0 million and AUD$9.6 million to the Commonwealth.
Including the tenth dividend, employees have now received AUD$697.8 million of the AUD$758.0 million owed to them.
  11 Apr Eighth Report to Creditors released.

March 2008
  31 Mar TSS -the matter was settled through mediation at the end of March 2008.
  28 Mar Global Rewards - the 28 day period expired and Diners did not exercise their right of appeal. The trust account balance holding the proceeds of the litigation was $16.1m.

February 2008
  28 Feb Global Rewards -the Supreme Court of Victoria, Court of Appeal dismissed Diners appeal. Diners had 28 days to seek leave to appeal to the High Court of Australia.
  06 Feb IATA - The High Court, by majority, overturned the judgement of the Victorian Court of Appeal and decided in IATA's favour.

January 2008
  30 Jan Final SEESA claim is submitted. The total number of employees funded through the scheme was 12,979 for $382.4 million.

December 2007
  13 Dec Distribution of ninth dividend to former employees of AUD$8.4 million and AUD$5.4 million to the Commonwealth.
Including the ninth dividend, employees have now received AUD$682.8 million of the AUD$758.0 million owed to them.

October 2007
  08 Oct Global Rewards - Diners exercised their right of appeal, and as such, Ansett was required to hold the monies in trust until the appeal was heard and the decision handed down. The appeal matter was heard on 8 October 2007.

September 2007
  04 Sep IATA - the matter was heard in the High Court of Australia on 4 September 2007.

July 2007
  19 Jul Distribution of eighth dividend to former employees of AUD$9.3 million and AUD$6.0 million to the Commonwealth.
Including the eighth dividend, employees have now received AUD$676.2 million of the AUD$760.0 million owed to them.

June 2007
  01 Jun Sale of AAES Assets - the Administrators sell the business assets at the AAES Maintenance base at Melbourne Airport to John Holland Aviation Services ("JHAS"). The sale results in employment opportunities for approximately 150 existing Ansett staff going forward.

May 2007
  17 May TSS - Ansett issued a writ and Statement of Claim in the Commercial List in the Supreme Court of Victoria at Melbourne against Travel Software Solutions ("TSS"). The statement of claim alleges that TSS is indebted to Ansett for monies due pursuant to a dividend declared by TSS on 21 December 2005 and for which Ansett as a shareholder of TSS is entitled to receive, plus interest and costs.
TSS is defending Ansett's claim on the basis of an alleged right of set-off. The proceeding was heard over two days from 17 May 2007.

April 2007
  02 Apr Seventh Report to Creditors released.

February 2007
  06 Feb Global Rewards - in November 2004, Ansett issued proceedings in the Commercial List in the Supreme Court of Victoria against Diners. The statement of claim alleges that Diners is indebted to Ansett for monies due under a Global Rewards Participation Agreement. His Honour Justice Hargrave heard the matter between 6 February 2007 and 22 February 2007. The Court reserved its decision.

December 2006
  14 Dec Distribution of seventh dividend to former employees of AUD$16.4 million and AUD$10.6 million to the Commonwealth.
Including the seventh dividend, employees have now received AUD$666.9 million of the AUD$760.0 million owed to them.
  14 Dec IATA filed an application for special leave to appeal to the High Court. The High Court Justices granted IATA leave to appeal. IATA gave the required undertaking to pay Ansett's costs of the High Court appeal (irrespective of the outcome of the appeal).

November 2006
  10 Nov IATA - The Victorian Supreme Court, Court of Appeal handed down judgement allowing Ansett's appeal against the Victorian Supreme Court decision of His Honour, Justice Mandie, in favour of IATA.
  01 Nov Sale of AAES Assets - John Holland Aviation Services begin due diligence and contract negotiations for the purchase of the business assets at the AAES Maintenance base at Melbourne Airport.

October 2006
  06 Oct Sale of remaining A320 (msn 030) to Aeroturbine.

September 2006
  07 Sep Distribution of sixth dividend to former employees of AUD$46.9 million and AUD$30.0 million to the Commonwealth.

Including the sixth dividend, employees have now received AUD$650.5 million of the AUD$760.0 million owed to them.

August 2006
  31 Aug Convened meetings of all Ansett Group companies and trusts to allow creditors to vote on resolutions to provide for the pooling of the Ansett Group.

Creditors resolve that all Ansett Group companies and trusts be pooled into Ansett Australia Limited (subject to Deed of Company Arrangement).
  30 Aug Sale of BAE146 QT to Westair, Sweden.

July 2006
  15 Jul Lease of two BAE146's (EWR and EWM) to Orion.
  14 Jul Settlement of various Air New Zealand claims.

May 2006
  26 May Further Hearing regarding Pooling and Notice Application in the Federal Court of Australia.
  12 May Settlement of Skywest Security Payment.

April 2006
  02 Feb Distribution of fifth dividend to former employees of AUD$17.3 million and AUD$11.3 million to the Commonwealth.

Including the fifth dividend, employees have now received AUD$603.6 million of the AUD$760.0 million owed to them.
  21 Apr Settlement of AAE Deed of Compromise, AAE Creditors Meeting and settlement of creditor claims.
  03 Apr Sixth Report to Creditors released.

March 2006
  31 Mar Justice Goldberg handed down his reasons for judgement on the Pooling Application.

February 2006
  02 Feb Simulator Centre settlement.
  01 Feb Commenced the parting of the remaining BAe146's at AAES.

December 2005
  29 Dec Sale of one of the two remaining A320's (msn 025) to Aeroturbine and novation of the existing lease.
  12 Dec Distribution of fourth dividend to former employees of AUD$25 million and AUD$16.1 million to the Commonwealth.

October 2005
  24 Oct Pooling Application Hearing in the Federal Court of Australia.

September 2005
  01 Sep The sixth of six 767 aircraft (VH-RMF) sold to Aeroturbine Inc. was delivered and flown to the US.

June 2005
  21 June Pooling Application lodged with the Federal Court of Australia.
  01 June The fifth of six 767 aircraft (VH-RML) sold to Aeroturbine Inc. was delivered and flown to the US.

May 2005
  04 May Ansett signed an agreement for the lease and sale of two BAe146 aircraft (msn E3135, ZK-NZG and msn E3147, ZK-NZJ) to European Skybus Limited.

April 2005
  07 Apr BSP settlement for $2.9m.
  01 Apr Fifth Report to Creditors released.

The fourth of six 767 aircraft (VH-RMH) sold to Aeroturbine Inc. was delivered and flown to the US.

February 2005
  07 Feb Decision on Clark v Korda [2005] FCA 56 handed down by the Honorable Justice Lander in the Federal Court of Australia.
  01 Feb The third of six 767 aircraft (VH-RMG) sold to Aeroturbine Inc. was delivered and flown to the US.

January 2005
  01 Jan The second of six 767 aircraft (VH-RMD) sold to Aeroturbine Inc. was delivered and flown to the US.

December 2004
  15 Dec Distribution of third dividend to former employees of AUD$16 million and AUD$10.4 million to the Commonwealth.

Including the third dividend, employees have now received AUD$562.8 million of the AUD$760.0 million owed to them.

November 2004
  09 Nov Ansett granted a one year extension (to 30 June 2007) to the initial three year consignment and marketing agreement with AASS for the sale of Ansett’s rotables and consumables.

During October 2004 the Deed Administrators recovered AUD$1.5 million from travel agents who sold pre Administration flight tickets on Ansett’s behalf.

Court proceedings have commenced against Flight Centre. Ansett is claiming $4 million from Flight Centre of which 50% of the claim relates to availed travel.

October 2004
  25 Oct The first of six 767 aircraft (VH-RMK) sold to Aeroturbine Inc. was delivered and flown to the US.
  21 Oct The Ansett Flight Simulation Centre was sold to Aviation Training Australasia Pty Ltd. The sale includes the business, related buildings, land and the Ansett owned Flight Simulators.

September 2004
  13 Sep Sale of remaining six Boeing 767-200 aircraft and four CF6-80A engines. The purchaser is Aeroturbine, Inc of Miami, USA. Ansett are providing up to 35,000 man hours of service to the planes. Delivery of the aircraft will occur progressively every sixty days over the next twelve months commencing mid-November 2004. Delivery of the first two engines has already occurred.

August 2004
  01 Aug Sale of the three remaining Kendell owned SAAB 340A aircraft to Regional Express. The three SAAB 340A aircraft were previously on lease to Regional Express.

July 2004
  05 Jul Agreements for the sale of the engine and overhaul workshops to Jet Turbine Services were signed. Ansett Australia Engineering Services was granted a three month licence by Jet Turbine Services to continue to perform electroplating and high speed grind services.

June 2004
  30 Jun As part of the AASS sale we provided vendor finance repayable of USD$5.3 million. AASS has now repaid this amount in full.
  28 Jun The final A320 aircraft (msn030) was leased to an operator in France for a period of four years with a further two year option.

May 2004
  27 May The auction of the three remaining recently sub-divided vacant sites at Garden Drive was held. The auction was hotly contested by a crowd of 50 people resulting in all three sites selling for AUD$4.37 million, above an expected realisation price of AUD$3.0 million.
  01 May The liquidators of Internova issued legal proceedings regarding the operation of an indemnity in relation to employee entitlements provided as part of a sale of the business and assets of Traveland to Internova on 23 September 2001.

Litigation was settled via a court ordered mediation.

Lease executed for the A320 Aircraft (msn025) for two years with an operator based in North Africa.

April 2004
  08 Apr Sale of four Fokker 50 aircraft to a party in the US, who have concurrently re-leased the aircraft to the existing operator.

March 2004
  19 Mar International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Ansett filed and served their statements of claim. IATA were seeking an order reversing the Administrators position that the IATA regulations ceased to apply as at the date of administration. IATA is seeking this order to prevent Ansett treating it as an unsecured creditor. Ansett opposes the making of this order.
  02 Mar The sixth and final spare CFM56-3-B1 engine was dispatched to the United States.
  01 Mar A contract has been signed to lease out two engines to a Spanish airline for four months.

February 2004
  16 Feb A CF6-80A engine and an APU were sold to a company based in Illinois.
  05 Feb An agreement was entered into for a lease of one CF6-80A engine. The lease period is for six months.

December 2003
  18 Dec The sale and delivery of British Aerospace 146 freighter aircraft VH-JJZ concluded with Titan, UK.
  10 Dec The first of $150 million of further redundancy dividend payment made by electronic transfer into the bank accounts of former Ansett staff.

November 2003
  25 Nov Federal Court of Australia approves the agreement formulated between the Federal Government, the Trustees of the Ground Staff Superannuation Plan, the ACTU and the Ansett Administrators.

The agreement provides for a further $300 million of Ansett payments to be made, of which $150 million to be paid to employees and $150 million to the Government in respect of the SEESA funds. Of the $150 million payable to employees, $39 million will be paid to the Ground Staff Superannuation Plan members so as to cover their shortfall in vested benefits.
  20 Nov The Deed Administrators and the Trustees of the Ground Staff Superannuation Plan reached an agreement to settle all issues.

Agreement of a deal with a United States based company for the sale of six CFM56-3 B1 engines.

October 2003
  29 Oct The A320 Pilots Training Claim settlement was approved by the Federal Court.

August 2003
  11 Aug The appeal by the Trustees of the Ground Staff of the Superannuation Plan commenced.

July 2003
  29 Jul Cabot Aviation Limited appointed as exclusive remarketing agent for six owned Boeing 767-200 aircraft.

Pembroke Capital Limited appointed exclusive remarketing agent for the two remaining Ansett owned Airbus A320 aircraft.

June 2003
  01 Jun Settled the sale of two CFM56-5A1 engines to parties in the US and Europe. The proceeds received from the sales were in excess of USD 4.6 million

April 2003
  30 Apr Confirmation of the sale of the former Ansett Data Centre. In order to offer the building for sale it was necessary to purchase the IBM Plant and Equipment.

The Ansett and Westpac matter regarding payment of Global Rewards was settled on mutually satisfactory terms, but subject to a confidentiality clause.

Settlement with the Hazelton Liquidators to resolve the two Federal Court proceedings.
  11 Apr Received funds from the sale of a Kendell owned CRJ engine to a purchaser from the United States.
  10 Apr Received a planning permit for the subdivision of the remaining allotments at 50-68 Garden Drive Tullamarine. The permit allows nine lot commercial subdivision and construction of a new road.
  07 Apr Contracts were signed and exchanged for the sale of the Ansett Data Centre and a deposit was received.
  01 Apr Air Canada, the world’s No.11 carrier filed for bankruptcy protection.

March 2003
  24 Mar The Trustees of the Ansett Ground Staff Superannuation Plan have served notice to appeal the decision and orders handed down by Justice Warren in the Supreme Court. Due to the Trustees decision to appeal, the Deed Administrators are unable to distribute further redundancy payments until this matter is fully resolved.

February 2003
  09 Feb Sale of VH-EWS, a BAe146-300 aircraft to Albania Airlines.
  07 Feb Her Honour Justice Warren has handed down orders in the Supreme Court which found in favour of the Ansett Administration on behalf of employees. The trustees appealed this decision.
  03 Feb Remaining call centres surrendered and returned to landlords.

January 2003
  22 Jan Ansett Australia Spares and Services hearing to release this business from the U.S Chapter 11 requirements took place and the formal release will take place on 30 January 2003.
  20 Jan The Supreme Court Superannuation case reconvened and submissions were made regarding the judgement and orders.

December 2002
  27 Dec Sydney terminal final settlement. All issues with former tenants at the Sydney terminal have been resolved.
  17 Dec The Ansett accounts receivable department collected (excluding the Showgroup and Traveland claims)$195 million. $85 million of this relates to pre-administration accounts.
  13 Dec Due to legal issues outside of Administrators control, it was not possible to disburse further entitlements prior to Christmas 2002.

Equipment auction held at Supply office.
  04 Dec Settlement of an agreement with Westralia Airports Corporation to take control of the former Ansett Domestic Terminal at Perth Airport.

November 2002
  26 Nov Settlement of the sale of the Ansett Australia Headquarters complex to developers PDG Corporation.

Qantas named as the preferred bidder for engine shop and test cell facility at Tullamarine.
  23 Nov Settlement of the sale of a CFM56-3 engine.

Commencement of the subdivision process for Garden Drive Tullamarine.
  19 Nov Final clearing auction at 501 Swanston Street as well as an auction at the Garden Drive facility. These auctions were very successful and raised over $100,000
  01 Nov Completion of the multi-million maintenance and new livery contract on former Ansett Boeing 737-300 registration CZT, prior to it’s departure to South America. The aircraft is under financiers’ lease to South American domestic airline Rio Sul.

October 2002
  11 Oct Sale of Perth Airport will occur in March 2003, however an interim operating agreement commenced with West Australian Airports.

Consolidation of Ansett administration team to a single floor at 501 Swanston Street.
  08 Oct Settlement of sale to Qantas of Hangar 20, Sydney Airport as well as the sale of the Brisbane Maintenance Hangar to Qantas.

September 2002
  25 Sep Third Meeting of Creditors held at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre.
  17 Sep The Deed Administrators issued proceedings against Westpac Banking Corporation in the Supreme Court of Victoria – Commercial and Equity Division for the Global Rewards Participants Revenue Recovery Project.
  16 Sep Third Report to Creditors was released. It detailed expected instalments of redundancy starting Christmas 2002. The ability to make payments was dependent on the outcome of court proceedings.

August 2002
  30 Aug Signing of contracts for the sale of the Flight Kitchen throughout Australia to an international catering company. The majority of the value in the sale is for the freehold land at Garden Drive.
  28 Aug Settlement of the sale of Melbourne Jet Base.

220 items of ground support equipment sold in addition to the sale.
  12 Aug Sale of airport ground and service equipment and general office contents in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne.

Sale of interests in former Ansett domestic cargo terminal in Sydney.
  01 Aug Kendell Airlines administrators Mark Korda and Mark Mentha confirmed this morning that the sale for an undisclosed sum, and transfer of full ownership of Kendell Airlines to the Australiawide Consortium has been completed. The sale of Kendell Airlines and Hazelton Airlines to Australiawide secures employment for 550 employees.

July 2002
  25 Jul Kendell Airlines administrators Mark Korda and Mark Mentha announce that the sale of Kendell Airlines to the Australiawide Consortium will proceed and settlement is expected to complete within a week.
  15 Jul Ansett Administrators auction office furniture, motor vehicles and ground handling equipment at a major auction at Ansett's maintenance facility at Brisbane Airport.
  01 Jul Ansett Administrators hold a final auction in Perth selling 300 lots of remaining furniture, equipment and sports memorabilia from Ansett's Perth Domesitc Terminal.

June 2002
  28 Jun Kendell Airlines Administrators announce the completion of a binding sale contract to sell Kendell Airlines to the Australiawide Consortium. Settlement and transfer of ownership is scheduled to occur on 21 July, 2002.
  19 Jun Ansett Administrators auction the last of Ansett's Adelaide Terminal furniture, engineering, and IT equipment in a final auction at Adelaide Domestic Airport.
  18 Jun Ansett Administrators announce they have reached agreement to sell the Ansett Melbourne Jet Base, in South Centre Road Tullamarine, to Virgin Blue for an undisclosed sum. A deposit has been received and settlement will occur on 31 August, 2002.
  06 Jun Ansett Administrators announce an agreement to sell Ansett's terminal interests in Brisbane had been reached with Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) for an undisclosed sum.
  04 Jun Ansett Australia's first 737-300 operates in last flight out of Sydney following the decision by airlines Administrators to call all remaining jets to Melbourne.
  03 Jun Ansett Administrators announce Kendell Airlines would be sold to the Australiawide Consortium later this month pending finalisation of documentation regarding the two airline sale also including Hazelton Airlines.

$330 million in SEESA payments are made to 11,852 former Ansett Group employees.

May 2002
   30 May Ansett Administrators announce the sale of the landmark Ansett Australia Headquarters complex to PDG Corporation for an undisclosed sum.

The sale of Ansett International Cargo Handling Business to Patrick Cargo Pty Ltd (part of the Patrick Corporation Group) is completed.
   21 May The Administrators of Hazelton Airlines, Sims Lockwood and Kendell Airlines, KordaMentha and Collegues, have agreed to progress to a contract of sale for both airlines to Australiawide to be agreed within 14 days.
   07 May Ansett Administrators announce a heads of agreement has been signed with the "Australiawide" consortium, naming the group preferred bidder for the dual acquisition of the Ansett Group airline subsidiaries. Mark Mentha accepted a $500,000 deposit from Australiawide to secure the consortium's interests.
   03 May Ansett Administrators announce an agreement in principal has been reached for the sale of Ansett's interests in Melbourne Domestic Terminal to Melbourne Airport.
   02 May Ansett Administrators announce the sale of Ansett's Sydney Domestic Terminal to Sydney Airports Corporation Ltd, subject to Federal Court Approval. The sale contributed around $200 million to the Ansett Administration.

April 2002
   26 Apr Ansett Administrators announce the sale of Ansett Group subsidiary airline Aeropelican Air Services Pty Ltd to Sydney based aviation services company IAP Group Australia for AUD$6 million.
   24 Apr Ansett Administrators announce the sale of the Ansett International Cargo Handing business to Patrick Corporation Limited. As part of the sale, employees of Ansett International Cargo will be offered jobs within the Patrick Group.
   10 Apr Ansett Administrators appoint marketing agents Knight Frank and Collins International to run marketing campaign to sell Ansett's Melbourne Headquarters at 501 Swanston Street and three adjacent Melbourne CBD properties.
   08 Apr Ansett Administrators announce that Kendell Airlines will continue operations and that they are committed to confirming a buyer for Kendell as a going concern in the very near future. They confirmed that interested parties included Inland Marketing Corporation, ANStaff (Australiawide Airlines) and Virgin Blue.

March 2002
   27 Mar Ansett Administrators begin to disburse some $90 million in entitlements to approximately 2,700 former Ansett workers under the Special Employee Entitlement Scheme for Ansett group employees (SEESA).

Creditors of the Ansett group of companies today vote in favour of recommendations made by Administrators Mark Mentha and Mark Korda, to execute deeds of company arrangements for each Ansett company therefore continuing the Ansett administration.
   13 Mar Ansett Administrators, Mark Mentha and Mark Korda, global job search company, former Ansett staff and Australian unions and have joined forces to launch a dedicated Ansett worker employment web site and to urge corporate Australia to commit to hiring former Ansett employees.
   04 Mar After 66 years of flying passengers in Australia, Ansett will cease flying operations.

February 2002
   26 Feb It is announced that finalisation of all arrangement necessary for the completion of the sale agreement between Tesna and the Ansett Administrators cannot be achieved by 28 February, and the sale process involving Tesna and the Administrators has ceased.
   25 Feb Tesna and Star Alliance confirm that Tesna's Ansett will be rejoining Star - the international alliance of 15 of the world's best airlines.
   20 Feb Ansett frequent flyers plan class action against administrators to secure a better payout on points owed.
   19 Feb Tesna announce details of "Ansett Frequent Flyer" program effective from the sale agreement with the Ansett Administrators.
   17 Feb Tesna confirms it would restore all former Golden Wing Memberships including one-year, two year, five year and life memberships.
   15 Feb Tesna and Sydney Airport Corporation announce that an agreement had been reached in relation to all outstanding commercial issues necessary for the formal assignment of the Ansett Domestic Terminal Lease.
   12 Feb Fox and Lew announce a $3 billion deal to secure 30 planes from Airbus amid reports the scaled down Ansett is losing millions of dollars a week.
   11 Feb Fox and Lew travel to London to hold rumoured merger talks with Virgin boss Sir Richard Branson.

January 2002
   29 Jan Majority of Ansett creditors voted in favour of a recommendation for the sale of Ansett's main line airline and associated assets to Tesna Holdings Pty Ltd.
   23 Jan CASA approves the appointment of Captain Mark Rindfleish as Head of Operations following the resignation of Captain Trevor Jensen.
   17 Jan Letters of Offer received by Award and Management Band staff.
   01 Jan The Tesna consortium announce key senior Ansett appointments - Mr James Hogan as Chief Executive Officer and Mr Adam Moroney as Chief Financial Officer.

December 2001
   19 Dec First round of redundancy payments made.
   18 Dec Solomon Lew and Lindsay Fox announce that a heads of agreement had been signed with Air Partners III Australia, LLC ('Air Partners') to become an equity partner in Tesna Holdings Pty Ltd ('Tesna')
   12 Dec Administrators and Tesna reach agreement to provide paid Christmas and New Year annual leave to all staff (working or stood down). The paid leave covers the public holidays Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day. Additionally, staff may also use up to four additional annual leave days between 24 and 31 December 2001. Staff required to be working during the Christmas Day / New Years Day period will be able to take the allocated amount of annual leave between January 2 and 31 next year.
   11 Dec Also on this day Ansett's Administrators announced the implementation of a staff discount of 25 per cent for the Christmas - New Year holiday period for Ansett, Kendell, Skywest and Aeropelican staff and their families. The "Ansett Family Fares" are 25 per cent less than the lowest instant purchase or 21-day advance purchase fares and apply to one-way or return travel. All travel must be completed by 31 January 2002.

In the Federal Court, Justice Alan Goldberg reserves his judgement on whether to allow the Federal Government to become a priority creditor for the proposed $195m contribution to administrators towards employee entitlements. The Court's decision is expected Monday next week. A process has been put in place to pay the relevant amounts of money into everyone's bank accounts within 24 to 48 hours of receipt of the funds.
   10 Dec Administrators' redundancy program executive summary states that by that date 4,379 employees had been made redundant and had been advised of their entitlements owed to them under relevant Awards or Enterprise Bargaining Agreements. Of that total 83 per cent, or 3,617 people, had received their payments in lieu of notice by December 10.

November 2001
   29 Nov The Administrators notified Virgin Blue that because of the sale process of Ansett's mainline operations to Tesna Holdings Pty Ltd it is not possible to agree to long term lease arrangements regarding provision of terminal space at Launceston and Canberra airports. Virgin Blue told that the issue would become the domain of a new owner of Ansett beyond January 31, 2002.
   28 Nov The Federal Government ruled out any special help for the bid by Lindsay Fox and Solomon Lew to relaunch Ansett, pledging only to work with Qantas on a gentleman's agreement to prevent anti-competitive behaviour.
   26 Nov Lindsay Fox and fellow Linfox director, Bill Kelty, commence a series of staff briefings to outline plans for the 'new Ansett' proposed by the Tesna Fox/Lew consortium.

Administrators reject offer from Virgin Blue and Lang Corporation to take over Ansett terminal space, saying the airline already has been sold. Administrators reaffirm commitment to sell to Lindsay Fox - Solomon Lew syndicate.
   23 Nov Consultants KPMG commenced sending letters to staff eligible to express interest in the new "Fox-Lew" Ansett, as well as were preparing to place advertisements in weekend newspapers on behalf of the Fox-Lew consortium announcing the "rebirth of an Australian icon".
   15 Nov Ansett administrators, reaffirm commitment to having Ansett back in the air as a viable and competitive operation and also achieving the very best result for all stakeholders. The decision on the same day by the ANstaff group to withdraw its bid and lend its support to the Solomon Lew and Lindsay Fox bid will help achieve that outcome.
   14 Nov Announced that Canberra call centre, which employed 140 people, would close. Of the 140 employees, 90 had already accepted early redundancy. The remaining 50 staff were made compulsorily redundant.

Administrators find alternative employment for almost 80 Ansett apprentices who will complete their training with Qantas.
   08 Nov Ansett administrators reach agreement with the Solomon Lew - Lindsay Fox consortium, Tesna Holdings Ltd, to acquire Ansett mainline operation and other assets in deal valued at $3.6 billion.

October 2001
   27 Oct Administrators confirm that from November 7, Ansett will re-allocate resources from the Sydney-Brisbane and Sydney-Melbourne routes to meet the passenger demand for two new daily return direct flights between Brisbane and Melbourne.
   26 Oct Administrators reinstate limited airport lounge services for Golden Wing Club members in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.
   25 Oct Administrators resume services to Adelaide and Hobart.
   19 Oct Ansett administrators announced they were forced to close Sydney and Brisbane call centres because they were surplus to the airline's current needs and no buyers for the businesses could be found.
   17 Oct Late in the evening Ansett Mark II achieves its 100,000th ticket sale.

Letter distributed to Ansett employees offering an opportunity to apply for redundancy.
   15 Oct The administrators and Federal Government hold positive talks on the future direction of the administration and potential for a sale, or re- capitalisation, Ansett (Mark II) business.
   12 Oct In the Federal Court, Justice Alan Goldberg approves $A150 million settlement with Air New Zealand.
   06 Oct The Voluntary Administrators of Ansett, Mr Mark Mentha and Mr Mark Korda, meet Singapore Airlines' (SIA) management in to discuss the possibility of SIA's involvement in a reconstituted Ansett or Ansett Mark II.
   05 Oct Administrators strike deal with the National Australia Bank to allow selected pre-September 13 Ansett passengers who had paid by credit card to fly on Ansett Mark II.
   04 Oct Administrators secure deal with Air New Zealand worth $A150 million to Ansett's coffers.
   03 Oct Less than a week after the resumption of flights on Ansett's major trunk routes bookings exceed 25,000.
   01 Oct Ansett administrators announced that flights would resume between Melbourne and Perth, Sydney and Perth and Sydney and Brisbane on Monday, October 8.

September 2001
   27 Sep In the wake of securing a Federal Government guarantee, Ansett's administrators confirmed that five A320s would commence services from September 29 and that 1,500 Ansett employees would return to work.
   25 Sep Ansett administrators announced that Kendell would resume partial services from Thursday, September 27, following a cash injection of $3.5 million from the Federal Government.
   23 Sep Traveland's business sold to Internova Travel Pty Ltd.
   21 Sep Ansett administrators and Federal Minister for Transport and Regional Services, John Anderson, announced that Ansett subsidiary Skywest Airlines would fly again from Sunday, September 23, and that its entire workforce of 146 would return to work.
   20 Sep Administrators announce that Aeropelican Air Services Pty Ltd would resume Sydney - Belmont services from September 21. Also announced that 230 Ansett ground handling cargo employees, servicing international flights across Australia, would return to work on the same day, along with another 100 Ansett third-party passenger handling employees servicing Malaysian, Cathay Pacific and Thai Airways.
   18 Sep New administrators estimate Ansett debt could be as high as $2 billion.
   17 Sep Ansett administrator Peter Hedge of PriceWaterhouseCoopers stands down. Mark Korda and Mark Mentha of Andersen appointed as administrators of the Ansett group of companies.
   15 Sep Government announces $10 ticket levy to cover costs of supporting Ansett workers' entitlements.
   14 Sep Ansett Australia Administrator Peter Hedge of PricewaterhouseCoopers announces the suspension of all flight operations of Ansett Australia, Ansett International, Hazelton Airlines, Kendell Airlines, Skywest Airlines and Aeropelican.
   12 Sep Acting Chairman of Air New Zealand, Dr Jim Farmer announced that Ansett Holdings and a number of its subsidiary business, including airlines, have resolved into voluntary administration. Gregory Hall, Peter Hedge and Allan Watson of PricewaterhouseCoopers are appointed as administrators to take control of Ansett.